
resources to learn the occitan language
ive been trying (somewhat succesfully) to learn occitan, mainly lengadocian, for some years now so ive gathered a lots of books and sites. some of this resources i can only find again inside my hard drive so reuploading is a must. have these while i curate the collection and find again where this pdfs where hosted.- [fr] dicodòc (dictionary, conjugator, corpus and more)
- [fr] ARNAUD, F., MORIN, G. (1920). Le langage de la vallée de Barcelonnette (322)
- [fr] CHABANEAU, C. (1876). Grammaire lemousine (350)
- [oc-fr] La lenga occitana en 100 tablèus (3 pdfs, gramatica, fraseologia and traduccion)
- [oc-fr] Assimil - L'Occitan sans peine (pdf on scribd) (working on uploading the four cds of audio)
- [fr] MALVEZIN, A. (1908). Glossaire de la langue d'oc
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